Cooperation and Exchange programs

PosLing has long been a partner in cooperation and exchange programs with teaching and research institutions in Brazil and abroad. A few of such partnerships, carried out along the 2017-2020 four-year period are:

– Capes-Print UFF Project: “Multilingualism, Linguistic Rights and Social Inequality”. Coordinated by Professor Mônica Maria Guimarães Savedra, with the participation of nine other PosLing faculty members, the project was drafted 2018, and received receiving funds from Capes in January 2019. Since then it has organized several actions, such as work missions abroad, granting scholarships to visiting professors and to sandwich doctoral programs. The Project has established working partnerships with the following institutions abroad: Sorbonne-Nouvelle Paris III, Universidad de Buenos Aires, City University of New York, Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (.Oder), Germany, Université de Provence, Université Rennes II, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana de México, and Institute of the Galician Language/Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Learn more about the project…

– Capes-Print UFF Project “History, circulation and analysis of literary, artistic and social discourses”, Coordinated by Professor Silvio Renato Jorge, of the Graduate Program in Literary Studies. Eight PosLing faculty members, who work in the field of text and discourse studies, take part in the project. The project was created in 2018, and has since then established working and research relationships with several teaching and research institutions abroad. Among them are: Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, Université Paris VII Diderot, Università Roma 3, Université de Rennes, Stanford University, Université Paris XIII, Universidade de Salamanca, Université de Rennes 2, Universita di Roma La Sapienza, City University of Hong Kong. This project also includes work missions, academic-scientific events and the granting of scholarships to senior and junior visiting professors. Learn more about the project…

PROBRAL II – CAPES-DAAD – doctoral co-tutorship Project: “Ethnicity in Movement – ​​Transculturality among European immigrant minorities in Brazil” The project was approved under bilateral cooperation Notice 28/2014 issued by CAPES-DAAD and started in 2015. Since then, it has carried out several international activities. PosLing Professors Mônica Maria Guimarães Savedra, Telma Cristina Pereira and Dante Lucchesi, as well as German university professors Konstanze Jungbluth and Klaus-Peter Rosenberg, who are Posling collaborators, have completed international work missions. Furthermore, students from abroad have been received by PosLing, and PosLing students have been received in universities abroad. Six doctoral candidates from Europa-Universität Viadrina, Germany participated in the co-tutorship program and five PosLing doctoral candidates spent time studying there in the same program. Learn more about the project…

– Cooperation Agreement with the Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal. Coordinated by PosLing Professor Maria Jussara Abraçado de Almeida, and Lurdes de Castro Moutinho (UA faculty member). In addition to joint research at postgraduate level, the agreement includes a double undergraduate degree program in (PIDDG) which aims to allow UFF and Universidade de Aveiro undergraduate students to obtain degrees from both institutions.

– Academic Cooperation Agreement between UFF and the Universidade de Macau, China. Coordinated by PosLing Professor Maria Jussara Abraçado and Roberval Teixeira e Silva, a faculty member at the Universidade de Macau. The agreement has been in force since 2015, and provides for exchange and cooperation in all academic areas offered by both Universities, including hosting undergraduate and graduate students, professors, researchers and higher-level technical-administrative personnel, as well as research collaboration.

– Agreement and work partnership with University Paris III – Sorbonne Nouvelle. Coordinated by the Arquivos do Sujeito Laboratory (LAS) since 2013. This agreement has resulted in several actions, such as post-doctoral internships by PosLing professors at the University Paris III – Sorbonne Nouvelle; joint events in France and Brazil, and a sandwich doctoral program at University Paris III – Sorbonne Nouvelle for PosLing doctoral candidates, with a PDSE CAPES scholarship.

– International Cooperation Agreement with Paris XIII University. Since agreement with the Arquivos do Sujeito Laboratory (LAS) coordinated by Professor Bethania Mariani was signed and made official by ordinance No. 50298, dated April 16, 2013, the Program has held events and received visiting French researchers. Under this agreement, PDSE CAPES sandwich doctoral scholarships have also been granted to students of the French university.

– Collaboration with the Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour – UPPA. As a result of the work carried out within the scope of this partnership, academic-scientific events have been held in France and Brazil, namely: in 2017, the “Colloque International Dialogue France-Brésil: “Représentations de l’ailleurs. Espaces, imaginaires, circulations”, in the city of Pau, France; in 2019; the colloquium “Territoires: sujet, représentations et pouvoir”, also held at UPPA; in 2020, the remotely held colloquium “Circulações Transculturais”, with the participation of Brazilian and French researchers and guests from other teaching and research institutions in Brazil and abroad. This collaboration has also produced publications in Portuguese and French, with the participation of PosLing professors Bethania Mariani, Silmara Dela Silva, Mônica Maria Guimarães Savedra and Telma Cristina de Almeida Pereira.

– Collaboration with the Centre D’Analyse Du Discours (CAD), of Paris XIII University: the work in cooperation with the CAD, led by Professor Patrick Charaudeau, in France, has been developed within the scope of CIAD. It is constituted by Professors from public universities in Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ, UFF, UERJ and UFRRJ), as well as researchers from UFMG and the CAD of Paris XIII University. At UFF, the PosLing research groups in Semiotics Linguistics participate in the CIAD, led by researchers Rosane Monnerat, Beatriz Feres, Patrícia Ferreira Neves Ribeiro and Ilana Rebello. Among several actions, the group periodically organizes summer courses, doctoral degrees in co-tutorship, exchange of students and researchers, organization of joint events, joint publication, among others.

– Collaboration with the University of Paris VIII and the University of Limoges: coordinated by SeDi (Group for Semiotics and Discourse Research), the work in cooperation with the two French universities have been strengthened since the previous quadrennium, when researchers Denis Bertrand (Paris VIII) and Jacques Fontanille (University of Limoges) were at UFF for conferences and work meetings. Since then, PosLing professors have accomplished post-doctoral studies at Paris VIII, and some of the Program’s doctoral students have done sandwich internships at the University of Nîmes (France).

– Academic cooperation agreement between the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro and UFF: coordinated by PosLing Professors Ricardo Cavaliere, in Brazil, and Carlos da Costa Assunção, in Portugal, and effective since 2012, the agreement has resulted in publications such as the book “Studies in the history of the language Science” (2016) and supervision of doctoral students in co-tutorship.

– Collaboration agreement with the Xunta Galícia Education and Ordination Council (Spain): aimed at teaching, research and promotion of the Galician language, literature and culture, within the scope of this cooperation agreement. The Núcleo de Estudos Galegos (NUEG) (, where Professor Xoán Lagares Diez carries out his work, has been active since 1994. Among the activities of the nucleus are organizing international scientific events and offering  sandwich doctoral stays to PosLing doctoral candidates.