Internationalization, Cooperation and Exchange


Nesta seção, divulgamos algumas experiências dos(as) nossos(as) discentes do PosLing, que realizam atividades acadêmicas no exterior, e também de estudantes estrangeiros(as) que vêm estudar conosco, em nosso PPG Estudos de Linguagem da UFF. Clique na bandeirinha e assista aos vídeos preparados por eles(as)

Simone Josefa da Silva
Orientador: Monclar Guimarães Lopes
Coorientadora no exterior: Catalina Fuentes Rodriguez
Universidad de Sevilha, Espanha
Melyssa Cardozo
Orientador: Leonardo Ferreira Kaltner
Coorientador no exterior: Stefan Moal
Université Rennes 2, França
Samara Kipperman
Orientadora: Maria del Carmen González Daher
Coorientador no exterior: Juan Lopez Muñoz
Universidad de Cádiz, Espanha
Raquel Ferreira
Orientador: Xoán Lagares
Coorientador no exterior: Philippe Blanchet
Université Rennes 2, França
Florina Balan
Orientadora no exterior: Mônica Vlad
Coorientadora no Brasil: Telma Pereira
2024 – Programa ERASMUS
Ovidius University of Constanta, Romênia



Bolsas exclusivas para estudantes internacionais, concedidas pelo governo da Irlanda



PosLing-UFF has developed a long and continuous series of actions for cooperation, agreements and exchanges with teaching and research institutions in Brazil and abroad. Some of these partnerships with universities abroad are listed below:

– CAPES COFECUB / Cal for Proposals No. 08/2023 “Discriminação linguística e preconceito social: um estudo comparativo entre o Brasil e a França” (Linguistic Discrimination and Social Prejudice: A Comparative Study Between Brazil and France) – Coordinated by Prof. Telma Pereira, the project investigates fundamental issues in the field of linguistic studies concerning linguistic diversity and the struggle against social prejudices. The theme has interfaces with the research conducted at the Université de Rennes 2, at the Centre d’Études sur les Langues, Territoires et Identités Culturelles – Bretagne et Langues Minoritaires (CELTIC-BLM), the project’s French partner. In Brazil, the project is coordinated by Brazilian researchers from the Laboratório de Pesquisas em Contato Linguístico (LABPEC – Laboratory for Research in Linguistic Contact – UFF). The shared effort in diagnosing situations of inequality, their description and explanation, as well as the generating ideas for action is a scientifically and socially relevant proposal. Thus, this Capes-Cofecub project will bring theoretical and methodological contributions to glotopolitical studies that address the relationship between democracy, language and society, and it will also support research on linguistic beliefs and attitudes in different contexts of language use in Brazil. The results will be published as articles in journals and book chapters, as well as in various other forms of scientific dissemination: courses, lectures, and in thesis and dissertation databases. The project will further strengthen the ties already established between PosLing-UFF, more specifically its History, Politics and Linguistic Contact research line, Labpec-UFF and the Master Program Francophonie, Plurilinguisme, Minorités, Interculturel et les doctorats en sociolinguistique of l’Université Rennes 2. Currently a PosLing-UFF doctoral student is on a sandwich internship at the University of Rennes, sponsored by Cofecub. The project is valid from 2024 to 2027. For further information, please contact or

– Capes-Print UFF Project “Multilinguismo, direitos linguísticos e desigualdade social” (Multilingualism, linguistic rights and social inequality) – Coordinated by Prof. Mônica Maria Guimarães Savedra and with the participation of nine other PosLing-UFF professors, the project was approved in 2018 and its implementation took place in 2019, supported by Capes resources. The project created conditions for the accomplishment of several actions, such as work missions abroad, granting scholarships to foreign visiting professors and scholarships to sandwich doctoral students. Within the scope of the Project, working partnerships were established with the following institutions abroad: Sorbonne-Nouvelle Paris III; Universidad de Buenos Aires; City University of New York; Universität Viadrina – Frankfurt a.Oder – Germany; Université de Provence; Université Rennes II; Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana de México; and Instituto da Lingua Galega/University of Santiago de Compostela. Learn more about the project

Capes-Print UFF Project “History, circulation and analysis of literary, artistic and social discourses” – The project is coordinated by PosLing-UFF’s Prof. Silvio Renato Jorge, and eight PosLing-UFF professors who work in the area of text and discourse studies participate in it. The project was implemented in 2018, and has established working and research relationships with several teaching and research institutions abroad, among which are: Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, Université Paris VII Diderot, Università Roma 3, Université de Rennes, Stanford University, Université Paris XIII, Universidad de Salamanca, Université de Rennes 2, Università di Roma La Sapienza, City University of Hong Kong. Additionally, work missions and academic-scientific events have been carried out and scholarships have been granted to senior and junior visiting professors. Learn more about the project

“L’Insécurité linguistique chez des enseignants.e.s de français langue seconde et étrangère: une étude comparativa Brésil Canada” – The project is a partnership between the Language Studies Graduate Program (PPG Estudos de Linguagem), the University of Ottawa (Canada), and AUF (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie), with the support of Mitacs Globalink. This project aims to broaden knowledge about the causes and effects of linguistic insecurity among teachers of French as a second language (Français langue seconde – programme enrichi – FLSE) in Canada and among teachers of French as a foreign language (Français langue étrangère – FLE) in Brazil. The comparative nature of this project is an important contribution because it will highlight the pervasiveness of the ideology of the standard – or standard language ideology (SLI) -, as well as the mechanisms by which it is preserved in Francophony. Little is known about linguistic insecurity in French among FLSE teachers, even though they are responsible for the diffusion of French in Canada, as well as in all countries where French is a foreign language, such as Brazil. The general objectives of this research project are: a) to broaden knowledge about linguistic insecurity among recently graduated FLSE teachers living in Canada and Brazil; b) to determine to what extent the ideology of the standard language – as well as other linguistic ideologies – influences the feeling of linguistic insecurity; c) to develop a comparative analysis of linguistic insecurity among FLSE teachers, identifying the internal factors (related to the sociolinguistic context in which the French language is used) and the external factors (ideologies prevalent in Francophony). The project leaders are Telma Pereira (PosLing-UFF) and Luisa Veronis and Janaína Nazzari (outside the program). Contact e-mails are:;;

Intensificación Expresiva (Expressive Intensification) – The project is coordinated by Prof. Ana Clara Polakof (Universidad de la República, Uruguay) and funded by the National Agency for Innovation and Research of Uruguay (ANII) and includes seven researchers from Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil. PosLing-UFF Prof. Luciana Sanchez Mendes participates in the project as a visiting researcher. The project includes collaboration between researchers in the investigation not only of prototypical intensifying adverbs used expressively, but also of non-prototypical intensification, as in ‘Tiene alta casa’, in Rioplatense Spanish. Researchers from Uruguay and Argentina will visit UFF in 2025, and Prof. Luciana Sanchez Mendes, who visited La Universidad de la República, in Uruguay in 2024, will visit it again in 2026. The project leaders are: Luciana Sanchez Mendes (PosLing-UFF) and Ana Clara Polakof (Universidad de la República, Uruguay). Project duration: June 2024 to June 2026. Contact email or website:

SeDi (Semiotics and Discourse Research Group) and interfaces with international universities – In recent years, SeDi has been carrying out international collaboration activities involving SeDi researchers and professors from the Universities of Paris VIII (Denis Bertrand), Paris Cité (Verónica Estay Stange and Juán Alonso Aldama), Limoges (Jacques Fontanille) and Bordeaux Montaigne (Anne Beyaert-Geslin; Laboratory MICA– Médiations, Informations, Communication, Arts). This participation has produced joint events and publications in Brazil and France. More recently, work meetings have been held to draft an agreement with the Universidad de Lima, with the participation of SeDi-UFF Prof. Silvia Maria de Sousa and Prof. Eliane Soares de Lima and Universidad de Lima Prof. Elder Cuevas Calderón. SeDi is affiliated with FEDROS (Romance Federation of Semiotics), an association that brings together research groups in semiotics from all over the world, where PosLing-UFF is represented by Prof. Renata Mancini. The project is also active in ALFAL (Latin American Association of Philology and Linguistics), where Prof. Lucia Teixeira, together with Diana Luz Pessoa de Barros (USP/Mackenzie), coordinates one of the projects, with the participation of researchers from Brazil, Uruguay, Colombia and Peru.

Agreement with Universidad Nacional de Hurlingham, Argentina – The project is coordinated by PosLing-UFF’s Prof. Phellipe Marcel da Silva Esteves. In addition to joint research at the postgraduate level, the agreement includes exchanges between undergraduate and graduate students, collaboration in common projects, holding bilateral events, joint publications, and solidarity between the Programs. For additional information, please contact us by email at

Agreement with the Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy: coordinated by PosLing-UFF (Prof. Ivo Rosário) and UFF’s Literature Studies Program (Prof. André Dias). The agreement aims at academic cooperation in order to promote the exchange of professors/researchers, graduate students, undergraduate students (with mutual recognition of studies) and members of the technical-administrative staff of both institutions.

Project “Etnicidade em Movimento – Transculturalidade entre as minorias de imigrantes europeus no Brasil” (Ethnicity in Movement – Transculturality among European immigrant minorities in Brazil), PROBRAL II – CAPES-DAAD joint doctoral supervision – Approved under the CAPES-DAAD bilateral cooperation Call for Proposals #28/2014, this project started in 2015. It has carried out many international cooperation activities, including work missions by PosLing-UFF’s Profs. Mônica Maria Guimarães Savedra, Telma Cristina Pereira and Dante Lucchesi to Germany, and by Profs. Konstanze Jungbluth and Klaus-Peter Rosenberg to Brazil, as visiting professors in PosLing-UFF. It is worth remarking that students from foreign universities have been received in Brazil for undertake sandwich doctorates and postdoctoral studies, as well as that PosLing-UFF students were sent abroad. Within the agreement, the project supported 12 jointly supervised PhD research projects: six in Europa – Universität Viadrina – and six in PosLing-UFF. The theses completed in joint supervision have been published in Peter Lang’s series Sprachliche Konstruktion sozialer Grenzen: Identitäten und Zugehörigkeiten / Linguistic Construction of Social Boundaries: Identities and Belonging, organized by the coordinator of the Brazilian team, Prof. Mônica Savedra, and by the coordinator of the German team, Prof. Konstanze Jungbluth. Learn more about the project

Academic Cooperation Agreement between UFF and the University of Macau, China – This agreement was coordinated by PosLing-UFF’s Prof. Maria Jussara Abraçado and by Prof. Roberval Teixeira e Silva (University of Macau). The agreement provides for exchange and cooperation in all academic fields offered by both Universities, including reciprocal hosting of undergraduate and graduate students, professors, researchers and senior technical-administrative staff, as well as collaborations in research.

LAS (Laboratory of Subject Archives) / GAL (Group of Subject Archives) – UFF, and Group Language, Subject, Culture and Interaction – University of Macau, China – There is currently a second academic cooperation agreement with the University of Macau. It is a partnership established between Prof. Vanise Medeiros (PosLing-UFF) and Prof. Roberval Teixeira e Silva (University of Macau) that has been active since 2018. Some of the actions within this agreement are the following: a) In 2018, the Language Archives Group (GAL) was structured, and Prof. Roberval Silva is a member of the Group; b) In 2019, issue 38 of Journal Gragoatá,  was published (Epistemologias e contemporaneidades: (re)discutindo concepções e categorizações para língua(s) vol. 24, 2019 – Epistemologies and contemporary issues: (re)discussing concepts and categorizations for language(s)); c) In May 2019, Prof. Roberval Teixeira e Silva taught a minicourse at UFF; d) In 2020, the book Almanaque de fragmentos: ecos do século XIX (Almanac of echo fragments from the 19th century) was published. This book is a collective work by GAL, and Prof. Roberval Teixeira e Silva is one of the authors; e) In July 2020, Prof. Vanise Medeiros was a member of the doctoral thesis committee of GAO Jingran (student at the University of Macau), whose work was supervised by Prof. Roberval Silva.; f) In 2024, the book Na movência dos conceitos (In the Movement of Concepts) was published. This book is also a collective production by GAL, and Prof. Roberval Teixeira e Silva is one of the authors; g) In 2024, Prof. Roberval Teixeira e Silva gave a lecture for GAL at UFF; h) Prof. Roberval Teixeira e Silva is currently co-supervising a PosLing-UFF doctoral student. In addition to the activities listed above, joint work is underway between the University of Macau and UFF. The University of Macau is in charge of publishing material produced by that activity, whose provisional title is “Contemporary Perspectives for Novice Researchers in Linguistic-Discursive and Cultural Studies Anchored in Language”. One of the organizers of the publication is PosLing-UFF’s Prof. Phellipe Marcel.

Agreement and work partnership with the University Paris III – Sorbonne Nouvelle coordinated by the Laboratório Arquivos do Sujeito (LAS – Laboratory of Subject Archives), since 2013. This agreement resulted in several actions, such as post-doctoral internships by PosLing-UFF’s professors at the University Paris III – Sorbonne Nouvelle, the organization of joint events held in France and Brazil, as well as the completion of sandwich doctorates at University Paris III by PosLing-UFF doctoral students who were granted a PDSE CAPES scholarship.

– International Cooperation Agreement with the University Paris XIII: This agreement was signed with Laboratório Arquivos do Sujeito (LAS – Laboratory of Subject Archives), and made official by Ordinance #50298 dated April 16, 2013.  Since the agreement started, it has been coordinated by Prof. Bethania Mariani, and it has held events and received visits from French researchers. Under this agreement, sandwich doctorate internships have been held at University Paris XIII funded by PDSE CAPES scholarships.

– Collaboration between the Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour – UPPA – As a result of the work carried out within the scope of this partnership, academic-scientific events have been held in France and Brazil, namely: in 2017, the Colloque International Dialogue France-Brésil: “Représentations de l’ailleurs. Espaces, imaginaires, circulations”, in the city of Pau, France; in 2019; the colloquium “Territoires: sujet, représentations et pouvoir” was also held at UPPA; in 2020; and the colloquium “Circulações Transculturais” was held remotely, with the participation of Brazilian and French researchers and guests from other teaching and research institutions in Brazil and abroad. Publications in Portuguese and French have derived from this collaboration, with the participation of PosLing-UFF Profs. Bethania Mariani, Silmara Dela Silva, Mônica Maria Guimarães Savedra, and Telma Cristina de Almeida Pereira.

– Collaboration with the Centre D’Analyse Du Discours (CAD), at the University of Paris XIII – The work in cooperation with the CAD, led by Prof. Patrick Charaudeau, in France, has been developed within the scope of the CAD, composed by professors with PhDs from public universities in Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ, UFF, UERJ and UFRRJ), in addition to researchers from UFMG. PosLing-UFF’s Semiolinguistics research groups, led by researchers Rosane Monnerat, Beatriz Feres, Patrícia Ferreira Neves Ribeiro and Ilana Rebello, participate in the CIAD (Círculo Interdisciplinar de Análise do Discurso). Among several activities carried out by the group periodically are summer courses, co-supervision of doctoral research, exchange of students and researchers, organization of joint events, joint publications, among others.

– Academic cooperation agreement between the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro and UFF – Existing since 2012, the agreement is coordinated by PosLing-UFF Prof. Ricardo Cavaliere, in Brazil, and by Carlos da Costa Assunção, in Portugal. The agreement has resulted in publications, such as the book Studies in the History of Language Science (2016) and joint supervision of doctoral students. For further information, contact the Center for Studies in Letters by email –

– Collaboration agreement with the Consellería de Educación y Ordenación Universitaria – Xunta (Spain) – This is a collaboration agreement with the General Secretariat of Linguistic Policy of the Xunta de Galicia. It focuses on teaching, researching and promoting the Galician language, literature and culture. Under this agreement, in force since 1994, the Galician Studies Center – NUEG (– was established, where Prof. Xoán Lagares Diez works. The Center’s activities include holding international scientific events, producing specialized publications and carrying out extension activities. NUEG is currently the headquarters of the presidency of the International Association of Galician Studies and it is responsible for the organization of the next triannual conference in 2027.

– Agreement with the University of Aveiro, Portugal – The agreement is coordinated by PosLing-UFF Profs. Maria Jussara Abraçado de Almeida, and Lurdes de Castro Moutinho (UA). In addition to joint research at the postgraduate level, the agreement includes the undergraduate dual degree program (PIDDG), which aims to allow undergraduate students from UFF and those from the University of Aveiro to obtain a degree from both institutions. The agreement ended in 2023.