LINGUÍSTICA E LITERATURA: TENDÊNCIAS, RUPTURAS, INOVAÇÕES é o tema do número especial da Gragoatá, revista Científica dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Estudos de Linguagem e Estudos de Literatura – UFF, comemorativo aos 50 números publicados e 24 anos de edição contínua do periódico. Assista ao vídeo da live organizada pela Proppi-UFF, em 31/08, no canal da Proppi no YouTube:
- Program
- History, Mission and Objectives
- Lines of research and courses
- Bylaws
- Legislation
- Funding
- Self-assessment
- Policies and affirmative actions
- Linguistics Education Program
- Transfer and Popularization
- Forms
- Interinstitutional Doctorate
- Internationalization, Cooperation and Exchange
- Other Notices
- News & Events
- Student
- Professors
- Former Students
- Publications
- Oral examinations
- Contact
- English
- Program
- History, Mission and Objectives
- Lines of research and courses
- Bylaws
- Legislation
- Funding
- Self-assessment
- Policies and affirmative actions
- Linguistics Education Program
- Transfer and Popularization
- Forms
- Interinstitutional Doctorate
- Internationalization, Cooperation and Exchange
- Other Notices
- News & Events
- Student
- Professors
- Former Students
- Publications
- Oral examinations
- Contact
- English