The main financial source for UFF’s Postgraduate Program in Language Studies (PosLing) is the Proap-Capes-Graduate Studies Support Program. PosLing relies on this financial source for:
a) bringing panel members from outside the State of Rio de Janeiro for the oral examinations of dissertations and theses;
b) funding the participation of occasional collaborators, visiting professors from Brazil and abroad who teach mini-courses, give conferences, and participate in other academic events (every year each line of research uses this funding to teach a mini-course);
c) the participation of the Program’s faculty members in the area’s events in Brazil, paying for their transportation or per diem expenses (the Program preferably funds Professors who do not have a CNPq or FAPERJ grant). This funding is limited to one event per year;
d) the participation of Program students in the area’s events (each supervisor selects one master’s or doctoral student per year);
e) the publication of academic works accepted for publication in the Coleção Ensaios, aimed at disseminating the Program’s, Professors’ and students’ research results;
f) paying service providers in charge of maintaining the webpage and the Program’s computer system and other technical work, such as editorial revision and translation, among others;
g) purchasing equipment, permanent and consumable supplies required to carry out the ongoing bureaucratic activities necessary for the Program’s functioning.
This item refers to the funds collected from the registration fees paid for enrollment in the selection exam for admission into the Master’s and Doctoral courses. Every year, according to the terms of the respective announcements for the selection of candidates for admission into PosLing, the candidates pay a registration fee of R$ 150.00 by means of a payment slip generated by the Federal Government (Guia de Recolhimento da União – GRU). A percentage of these funds reverts to PosLing, and must be used by the end of the year when they are received.
In recent years, the resources available from this source have been used to make occasional scholarship and third-party services payments, and to support the academic journal Gragoatá, a publication sponsored by PosLing in partnership with UFF’s Literature Studies Program, such as paying fees for obtaining a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for the papers published in each issue.
PosLing-UFF offers research grants to its students. The funding agencies responsible for providing such grants are Capes, CNPq, and Faperj.
FAPERJ Funding
Every year FAPERJ (Foundation for Research Funding of the State of Rio de Janeiro) disseminates several research funding schemes that suit the Program and for which faculty members have been selected. Among these, the APQ1 grant, aimed at subsidizing groups and research projects; the IC grant, aimed at giving scholarships to undergraduate students; the Scientists of Our State and Young Scientist of Our State grants; and research productivity grants that have been awarded Program Professors. In addition, every year, since 2016, FAPERJ has sponsored an Emergency Support Grant Scheme for Graduate Programs in the State of Rio de Janeiro, and PosLing has been awarded this grant. The resources obtained from this scheme have been fundamental to maintain the periodicity of the journal Gragoatá, and they have also contributed to maintaining PosLing’s basic activities, such as financing out-of-site examination panel members whenever regular PROAP funds are unavailable.
Proppi-UFF Funding
Every year UFF’s Dean of Research, Graduate Studies and Innovation (Proppi-UFF), depending on budget availability, also makes funds accessible to support UFF’s professors, students and graduate programs. In recent years, for example, PosLing Professors have been awarded subsidies under the title Event Support. Every year, Proppi-UFF also awards grants to Introduction to Science projects to be carried out under the supervision of accredited Professors in graduate programs (PIBIC Program). Scholarships to students are granted by CNPq and by UFF itself.
The main source of funding for PosLing-UFF is PROEX CAPES – Programa de Excelência Acadêmica (Academic Excellence Program). This funding allows PosLing-UFF to support:
- a) academics from outside the State of Rio de Janeiro to participate in defense boards for dissertations and theses;
- b) occasional collaborators and visiting professors from Brazil and abroad to teach mini-courses, speak in conferences and participate in other academic events (each line of research offers a mini-course annually with this support);
- c) PosLing-UFF’s faculty members to participate in national and international events in the field, providing them with travel expenses or daily allowances (PosLing-UFF provides support preferably to professors who do not have CNPq grants or Faperj “workbench endowments”);
- d) PosLing-UFF’s students to participate in national events in the field, upon recommendation by their academic supervisors;
- e) publishing works accepted through Calls for Proposals for the collections “Estudos de Linguagem” (Language Studies), “PosLing Destaca“ (PosLing Highlights) and “SAPPIL E-books”. Those collections are intended for the dissemination of research results obtained by PosLing-UFF’s professors and students;
- f) paying service providers in order to maintain PosLing-UFF’s website and system, and to carry out other technical work, such as editorial revision and translation, among others;
- g) acquiring equipment and permanent and consumable materials that are necessary for the constant administrative activities required for Posling-UFF’s proper functioning.