Entre 8 e 12 de abril de 2024, ocorrerá o V Encontro Arquivos de Língua: da e na heterogeneidade do trabalho teórico-analítico. Contaremos com a presença de pesquisadores de numerosas universidades brasileiras e estrangeiras. Trata-se de um evento de grande diversidade teórica e interdisciplinar. Você é nosso(a) convidado(a) especial. Mais informações em https://www.even3.com.br/ivgal/
- Program
- History, Mission and Objectives
- Lines of research and courses
- Bylaws
- Legislation
- Funding
- Self-assessment
- Policies and affirmative actions
- Linguistics Education Program
- Transfer and Popularization
- Forms
- Interinstitutional Doctorate
- Internationalization, Cooperation and Exchange
- Other Notices
- News & Events
- Student
- Professors
- Former Students
- Publications
- Oral examinations
- Contact
- English
- Program
- History, Mission and Objectives
- Lines of research and courses
- Bylaws
- Legislation
- Funding
- Self-assessment
- Policies and affirmative actions
- Linguistics Education Program
- Transfer and Popularization
- Forms
- Interinstitutional Doctorate
- Internationalization, Cooperation and Exchange
- Other Notices
- News & Events
- Student
- Professors
- Former Students
- Publications
- Oral examinations
- Contact
- English